Introducing Armalith®
In 2019, we developed our first DYNS STRADA jeans from Dyneema®. The idea of fully-protective jeans that you can wear as your regular jeans and feel no difference was great, and our business has been booming since Day 1.
However, soon the world changed. In 2020 and the pandemic years, we faced all possible supply challenges. From closed raw materials factories to our team being put on a permanently rotating isolation-work circle, keeping the orders fulfilled was a constant challenge. Sincere thanks to all of you for being patient, helping us with production planning by placing your pre-orders, and being so forgiving of our unavoidable delays.
The pandemic is over, but European industries face a new problem – the energy crisis. We still can’t easily produce as many jeans as you need as quickly as we’d like to produce them for you.
Moreover, the raw materials that we receive are now much more expensive. We’re trying to be creative with cost optimization, but sadly we think that a price increase will be unavoidable next year. It’s the only way we can stay afloat.
Fortunately, textile developments are still advancing, and Dyneema® is no longer the only alternative. Last year, we launched a new STRADA RACING model, made from the French Armalith® - a very advanced but costly Denim fabric. This year, we’ve been dealing extensively with Armalith® and have found new materials equal to Dyneema®, our most commonly-used fabric. We’ve made all possible tests and the results were just great. But most importantly – the new material has the same AA abrasion-proof level as Dyneema®. This allows us to make the same jeans you’ve always liked, with exceptional quality, the same color, feel, and look.
From now on, all our jeans will be made from either Dyneema® or Armalith®. Our goal is to make as many production batches per year as possible. Previously, we waited for our suppliers to deliver a large enough quantity of fabric. But now, we’ll use the fabric that’s available at the time.
There’ll be no changes for you – every size has two different SKUs for Dyneema®, and you’ll always know which material you’re ordering. Just drop down the list of sizes, and you’ll instantly see which material is available and how fast we can deliver your DYNS jeans. Why not try it right now?